Humor Blog Highlights

Just Laugh Humor Blog

CollegeHumor’s Comedy Music Hall of Fame

If you missed it on IFC last night, know that you can still watch CollegeHumor’s inaugural honoring of the funniest in musical comedy that the world has ever known – featuring the likes of CDZA, The Gregory Brothers, Tenacious D, and the captive recipient of this year’s lifetime achievement award … the legendary Weird Al Yankovic!

So much great comedy makes us all just want to sing about it, but maybe we’re better off leaving the vocals to seasoned professionals… 😉

A fake mustache is worth a hundred computers…

Featuring the brilliance of one John Hodgman as an aging NSA agent who strives to inspire his young, female protege, Codefellas was a great, little animated series that WIRED Magazine ran a few years ago. This particular episode features mustaches, among other important spy tools!

Be sure to check out the whole series if you find yourself giggling uncontrollably at said witty, mustache-laden banter…

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