Humor Blog Highlights

A fake mustache is worth a hundred computers…

Featuring the brilliance of one John Hodgman as an aging NSA agent who strives to inspire his young, female protege, Codefellas was a great, little animated series that WIRED Magazine ran a few years ago. This particular episode features mustaches, among other important spy tools!

Be sure to check out the whole series if you find yourself giggling uncontrollably at said witty, mustache-laden banter…

About Scott Sevener (580 Posts since 2001)
The Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Just Laugh, Scott writes about the random things in life that amuse him - from the miracle of childbirth to the bologna sandwich he just ate for breakfast. He currently resides in Tampa, FL with a girl, a baby, and a dog that never shuts the hell up.