Humor Blog Highlights

The Circle Goes Round

Kate stood alone in the kitchen making a cold drink so she could then settle into her favorite chair to read and relax.

Lately, Kate’s life had been quite hectic with work, kids and home. It seemed every time she turned around there was a problem to solve, a deadline to meet or an event to attend.

Kate needed to unwind and finally found a moment to herself. Fifteen minutes ago her husband loaded up the kids in the car to go to the grocery store to pick up some items.

By the time Kate put ice in a glass and filled it with juice, the phone rang. It took Kate fifteen minutes to direct her boss to a specific file, which was needed for a client.

As Kate hung up the phone, the washing machine stopped. Kate ventured into the laundry room and lifted the lid of the washer. When she went to pick up some of the clothes to put into the dryer, something was terribly wrong.

Apparently every article of clothing was twisted and hung up in her bra and her bra was wrapped around the middle part of the washing machine.

Twenty minutes later the clothes were finally unraveled and spinning quietly in the dryer.

At this point, Kate was getting a bit frustrated. As she made her way back into the kitchen, she found the drink to be watered down so she opted for a cold canned cola.

However, Buster, her four-footed Golden Lab, came up to her to let Kate know in his own special ‘dog’ way that he needed to go out.

Sighing heavily, Kate grabbed the leash off of the hook in the kitchen pantry and took Buster outside to visit Mother Nature.

Fifteen minutes later they both went back into the house. Kate gave Buster a bone and sent him to the back porch area to play with his toys.

As Kate popped opened the canned cola, took a drink and began the short journey from the kitchen to her favorite chair to relax and lose herself in a book, her husband and two children blasted into the house.

“Look what we got for you to cook tonight, Mommy,” exclaimed Kate’s youngest with glee.

Kate’s family didn’t know why Kate burst into tears as she ran into the bedroom and threw herself onto the bed.

Kate’s husband wondered if it were hormones or if he had done something wrong.

Kate’s children wondered if she had watched ‘Steel Magnolias’ again or if they had done something wrong.

Kate wondered what was wrong with the world and why God couldn’t understand that she just needed a little peace and quiet.

And God wondered why everyone dumped grief on him when it clearly stated, years and years ago, on the seventh day…God rested.

About Kim Burke (19 Posts from 2001 - 2003)
Possibly the funnest thing to come out of Arkansas (not counting the whole Clinton-thing), Kim Burke's Incidents & Accidents help us to make light of the toils life throws our way, because life's too short for ordinary idiots.